Planning for success

  • Market Insight: I empower businesses to navigate the market landscape effectively, identifying gaps and discovering hidden opportunities. This involves a comprehensive review of the most favourable physical catchments, customer demographics, and market environments to ensure your business is positioned for success.

  • Ideation & Innovation: Leveraging the Business Model Canvas, I guide businesses through a thorough evaluation of their current model. Together, we uncover and capitalise on market opportunities that align with your unique strengths, fostering innovation and competitive advantage.

Strategic Development

  • Product Evolution: I assist businesses in developing software products that resonate with market needs, ensuring a seamless alignment between your offerings and customer expectations.

  • Platform Creation & Network Effect: I guide businesses in creating robust platforms with the potential to seed the market and generate a powerful network effect, fostering sustainable growth and customer engagement.

  • Strategic Tools: I help businesses utilise various models and canvases to shape their strategic direction, enhancing decision-making processes and business outcomes.

  • Strategic Positioning: I work with businesses to determine their strategic positioning, whether it's differentiation or cost-leadership, ensuring they carve a unique space in the market.

Pivoting for Growth

  • Business Model Refinement: I guide businesses through the process of redefining their business model, ensuring flexibility and adaptability in a dynamic market environment. This allows businesses to pivot effectively in response to market changes.


Growth and Expansion

  • Financial Analysis: I assist businesses with financial modelling, providing them with a clear understanding of their financial position and enabling informed, strategic decisions.

  • Market Penetration Analysis: I conduct in-depth market penetration analysis for products or services, offering insights into performance and potential growth opportunities.

  • Demographic Analysis: I provide businesses with valuable insights through bank transaction data analysis and bureau of statistics data analysis, enabling a deeper understanding of customer behaviour and market trends.

  • Customer Loyalty Mapping: I assist businesses in identifying their loyal customers and strategising to attract more of them, enhancing customer retention and driving business growth.