Business Growth Strategy Toolkit - Small Business


Small Business Growth Excel    

A slow and steady way to improve your business.



When you need better health you visit a doctor; you go through a set of treatments. When you want to improve your well being you go start taking care of your health.

Business is no different.

When you want your business to have better health you work on improving it; when you have a problem you need to fix it. In both cases you need to know

What needs attention, how to go about it.

It is a a journey one has to go through.

Many pathways with a common destination.

It is like looking for an phone number. You need to know the name first. Going through all the numbers and ensuring it matches the name you are after is a slow, tedious and futile process, it is a guesswork and a gamble.

Strangely people think that the same can be done for their business.

A typical approack may follow the following steps.

  • Solve a business challenge by internet search which requires spending lot of time and losing the context.

  • Finding the right person to ask around. Divulging lot of confidential information before you arrive at a solution.

  • Asking a mentor or coach, can be an expensive proposition.

Hence this Microsoft Excel Sheet with solution to common challenges.

 When you need to grow your business or solve a problem you need the right environment, people to support you along the way and access to capital and resources. One of the most important things you would need is creativity in solving problems and take you to the next level.

No more struggles

This Excel based system is meant to help you solve your common business problems and help your business grow. Sometimes the problem is not big enough to compel us to reach outside but still ends up costing us in terms of time, money, energy and resources. Not addressing the issues promptly adds to the risks.

The Microsoft Excel sheet is designed to address this risk.

You can start with a self assessment process to identify your core capability areas and how well that may be taken care of; or the ones that need working on in order to continually improve your business.

It will help you with clarity on where you are and where you want to be.

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You can then work on number of common challenges that you may be facing and the impact it may have on your business, why so and a  set of steps you can take to overcome it.  

Like any system this is not a silver bullet and addresses many common issues rest assured, if you still face challenges and your issues are not here-

I will send you an updated sheet with your problem and suggestions included

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Microsoft Excel sheet for Small Business

 Why I built this?

My family has run business through generations, I have taken a more structured and scientific view of the same and combined old with new. I am qualified as an engineer, MBA and with graduation from Institute of company directors. I am a small business Mentor ( SBMS Australia) and a mentor for Founder Institute ( Victoria and Silicon Valley) and very well placed to build this .

 The common challenge any business leader finds is they feel alone specially when trying to solve a problem. A quick, easy and economical way to find solutions of common problems can make a big difference.

By continually working with and helping many businesses, I now share this summary sheet for your benefit to help in the addressal of your business challenges. You you not have to read pile of books. Sometimes you will find that an entire book may have been summarised to a single line statement about the action you can take given a situation (there are references if you would like to read on the topic). You don’t need to to read a book you just need to take the action.

If you are interested to be a part of business mastermind - drop me a note.

 How is this Microsoft Excel sheet structured to help you grow your business.?

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It has two core components:

  1. Self Assessment or diagnostic

    This outlines where you currently are.

  2. Small Business Growth Strategy worksheet.

This outlines the steps you can take to take the direction of your choosing.

Strategy is your action plan, that will take you in a direction.

By improving 1% monthly in 8 areas and sustaining; will make you 259% better within a year

Always remember:

  • Stay focussed  with a limited  set of challenges at a time (overwhelm avoidance).

  • Measures your strength areas and priorities for future(goal clarity).

  • See how you are going to get there (path visibility)

In the sheet, you can also record the steps taken, delegate the project to a person, set time lines and score your progress. The references are there to help you with your reading. You can keep your notes to record your journey all along.



Why is unique about this: To ensure there is a quick solution to the challenges the small business is exposed to without extensive google searches and looking for a solution. I wanted to offer something that is specific, actionable, measurable, accountable, contextual and relevant.  To top this I wanted something that can be used by many easily, without customers needing ongoing payments and still have the benefit of regular improvements for one full year (longer for contributors - talk to me if you are a contributor).

How I did this: Based on my conversation with start-ups, small business, mentoring, hands on experience  




Risk free: 

You do not have to worry about any risk with the excel sheet as it is 100% risk free. My purpose of this sheet is to make it easy for you, rest assured you are in safe hands, if you find a challenge that is not in there, I will be happy to include it and and send an update.

To make it further helpful to you I am including one year of updates at no additional cost to you.

If you hire a consultant for a day then you are likely to be spending at least $2000.00 +Tax. A good coach will charge you at least $800 for an hour. This is a small fee compared to that for something that can continually assist you. 




If after download or in next 30 days, you find that it is not something that is needed, use or refer to, or any of the ideas contained here will not be used by you ever; then we will happily offer you refund. All we ask is to fill out a form should that be the case.

Microsoft Excel Business Growth Strategy Toolkit for Small Business $19.95 ( including GST)


One year of updates from date of purchase

Based on real outcomes in real businesses.


It is a product developed by me and is not available from any other provider reseller or website. It is protected by Australian copyrights and is illegal to resell modify or make changes to it. 

No further offers are available if you avail the product on offer.



  1. Can I use this within my organisation or to train staff? Currently it is provided as a single use licence for the person who has downloaded the product by providing the name and email. If you want to use it within organisation and any associated training materials, please reach out to me at


Terms: There are no guarantee’s, warranties expressed or implied in the quality or merchantability of the product. It is offered on an as is basis. SVB Group, Sameer Babbar, its directors, officers, associates, affiliates are not responsible for any incidental or consequential damages.