Sameer Babbar

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An inquiry in the nature and cause of value creation

There is a significant body of knowledge on creation of value still we always find suboptimal results around us. Let us dig deep into it. In order to create or enhance value the seed of an idea needs to grow on a fertile ground(execution) nurtured by air and water(interaction) . 

if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” Charles F. Brannan 

Taking metaphysical in consideration

“Everything begins with an idea”  –Earl Nightingale 

and if we become a bit businesslike

“We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas” –Steve Jobs

Economic theory tells us we exchange something we are good at making with someone else who is good at making something else.

However Ideas are important to change the world around. It is when ideas interact with other ideas  new ideas are produced us and sustained value is created with right execution. These new ideas exponentially increase the idea pool.

Execution leveraging the new idea pool creates new pathways to creating value on an ongoing basis. 

The world is recording an exponential growth in the GDP. The growth in global value is triggered by increase in human ability to exchange ideas learn from others at a rapid rate. We take ideas from other people, from people we've learned from, from people we run into in the coffee shop, people anywhere and everywhere and we stitch them together into new forms and we create something new. 

Some ideas stay in the idea pools for  a short and some for  a long period of time. This period in idea pool helps interaction with other ideas and grow. 

World GDP per capita is representing exponential growth. The ability of human being to exchange ideas and create new options for economic growth has increased due to increase in communications  and ability to interact with each other at a rapid rate. 

To create value, we need ideas, fertile ground for ideas, interaction with other ideas and execution to create value at a rapid pace.


Steve Johnson –Ted talk

MattRiddley–ideas having sex with other ideas for human progress and prosperity. 

Seth Godin - ideavirus